WARNING: Ghost peppers can be extremely hot and should only be purchased if you or whoever will consume the peppers has experience eating other hot peppers.
The ghost pepper, once known as the world’s hottest pepper and perhaps the pepper that started the challenge trend of trying hot peppers on the internet. Currently, the ghost pepper holds our highest rank in the heavyweight class and is the hottest pepper we offer. The size of a ghost pepper may seem small but make no mistake no amount of milk or any other drink will stop the burning capsaicin ride these peppers deliver. These peppers are for the individuals that want a challenge and seek bragging rights when it comes to hot foods, and for the individuals that for whatever reason were born with the ability to eat hot foods that no one else dreams of eating.
These peppers start out green and slowly turn red as they mature. We try our best to only package and ship fully matured ghost peppers, but please keep in mind that any ghost pepper in your order may have a green spot due to not having enough time to turn completely red before being picked.
Favorite dishes with ghost peppers as an ingredient: Anything that you want to make absurdly hot.
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